Nexmosphere provides a large portfolio of LED lighting solutions. Starting from flicker free white lighting, to animated LED RGB lighting products. Use our LED controllers to enhance storytelling or create visual guidance to help a shopper find the right products.

RGBW LED control


The XC-800 series is equipped with fully dimmable RGBW LED outputs which allow connecting 12/24V LED strips. Transition smoothly between different colors and create just the right atmosphere with subtle lighting use in tailored RGBW LED colors. Combine this with any of our Elements to create an engaging experience. For example a change of LED color when the motion sensor detects a person approaching, or a LED strip that lights up to indicate a selection based on push-button input.

For this setup use the following nexmosphere products
Compact controller | XC-841
X-Eye Motion | XY-320
X-Touch | XT-B4

RGBW LED strips, power supply, push buttons, micro-USB cable

3rd party products
BrightSign player or any other Digital Signage media player

LightMark Pixel LED control


The XC-700 series controllers are equipped with LightMark interfaces which allow connecting flexible pixel LED strips. LightMark technology allows for creating wave-like LED animations and virtually dividing a Pixel LED strip into multiple segments and controlling each of those segments separately Combine this with any of our Elements to create an engaging experience. For example inviting LED wave animations as soon as person approaches, or an animated LED halo circling around a product as soon as the wired pick-up sensor detects that the product is lifted.

For this setup use the following nexmosphere products
Compact controller | XC-720
X-Dot X wired pick-up sensor | XDB-X36C
X-Eye Presence & Airbutton | XY-240

Pixel LED strips, power supply, micro-USB cable

3rd party products
BrightSign player or any other Digital Signage media player

Selection LED


Selection LED technology allows you to divide a pixel LED strip into multiple segments and control each of those segments separately. This facilitates implementation of a selection-guide-tool onto (the edge of) a retail shelf. While a video plays, explaining the features of a group of products, the LED segments in front of the products light up. Next to that, the shopper can indicate filter parameters via touch screen input and the products that fit the criteria can be indicated by the LEDs. By creating a similar journey as found in online shops, this helps the shopper understand features and select the right product.

For this setup use the following nexmosphere products
Nano controller | XN-135M8S

Pixel LED strip, Split micro-USB cable, 5V USB power supply

3rd party products
BrightSign player or any other Digital Signage media player


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