Nexmosphere’s wired pick-up sensors provide a trigger in your setup as soon as a product is picked-up by the shopper. The sensors are easy to mount on any product and can be used as an active security device as well.

X-Dot X wired pick-up sensors (accelerometer technology)


The X-Dot X is a wired pick-up sensor that can also be used as an active security device. The sensor is mounted onto the merchandise using double-sided tape. When a product is lifted or placed back, the X-Dot sends a trigger to the connected Xperience controller. The security function sends triggers whenever merchandising is removed, the wire is cut or pulled out. Combine the X-Dot X with any of our Elements to create an engaging experience. For example inviting LED wave animations when a product is picked-up. The animated LEDs can also be used as a visual security alarm (e.g. flashing red).


For this setup use the following nexmosphere products
Nano controller | XN-185
X-Dot X wired pick-up sensor | XDB-X36C
X-Wave | XW-L56

micro-USB cable

3rd party products
PC or any Digital Signage media player

X-Snapper wired pick-up sensors (magnetic)


The Nexmosphere X-Snapper range offers magnetic pick-up sensors that can also be used as active security devices. Merchandise is mounted onto the sensor and when lifted or placed back, the X-Snapper sends a trigger to the connected Xperience controller, facilitating content triggering and measurement of pick-up durations. The security function sends triggers whenever merchandising is removed, the wire is cut or pulled out. This sensor is specially designed to attach to handheld devices of different sizes and shapes. Add an X-Dot Buzzer to you setup to trigger a buzzer alarm when one of the security sensors is triggered.


For this setup use the following nexmosphere products
Nano controller | XN-185
X-Snapper wired pick-up sensor | XSW-X36
X-Snapper single counter block | XSW-N0S
X-Dot Buzzer interface| XDW-B46

micro-USB cable

3rd party products
BrightSign player or any other Digital Signage media player


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